Sunday, February 24, 2008

Think On Your Feet

I am a pretty bad speaker; just ask my friends and they will tell you. I get nervous; I blank out; and I lose my focus. And that is why I found Ken Wydro's book so useful; I can only kick myself for not reading it earlier. "Think On Your Feet" shows you, very convincingly, why it is so hard for so many people to be afraid of speaking in public, and think/execute under pressure. Ken does not focus on the superficial elements of the techniques, but digs deep into the inner workings of one's psychology, and shows you the real reason. His theory makes a lot of sense to me.

But Ken doesn't stop there. He also demonstrates how you can change all that with just a handful of techniques. His techniques are simple, easy to practice, and most important, they work! I spend a few minutes everyday working on his techniques, and they are making a big difference. No, this is not some magic potion you can drink to cure all illness, but a set of disciplines and mental conditioning you can integrate into you life that will make a huge difference.

This book is not limited to just public speaking, but really all aspects of life. You can apply his principles to a number of different things - it changes your overall attitude and perspective. This is one of the best self-help books I read in recent years, and deserves to be revisited on a regular basis.